It's always tempting to try to emulate Real Life but that's simply not possilbe. Real Life builders seem to have unlimited LI so they can spend lots of it on even the most minute details (anybody figured out how they do that btw?) In SL we are always on limited budgets and have t... Alyona Su Resident 5.7k ~ Lovably Deplorable ~ Posted January 10, 2019 There are HUDs to do it (search market Place for "Panoramic" - BUT there also is a new Project viewer from Linden Lab that allows you to take 360 deg...
I experienced a few situations where i ended up seeing holes in the mesh. These issues occured at different times and with different viewer versions. And i was always using the current Beta viewer from Linden Labs. But of course it can be something completely different in your case. Or even...
But as Daniel says in an above post you may need to use a converter for multi-faced meshes. I haven't delved into that myself yet so I cannot say. This wiki link explains all that. AND if you haven't got it bookmarked you should have, because it states vital info for the whole...