《第二生命》(Second Life,英文缩写为SL)是一款由Linden实验室开发的基于因特网的虚拟世界类游戏。游戏最初于2002年发行,由RealNetworks公司负责发行。玩家在游戏内被称为“居民”,通过可运动的虚拟化身进行交互,体验一个高度社交化的网络服务。居民可以自由探索、社交、参与活动,甚至制造和交易虚拟财产与服务。...
Beta participants will have access to the Open Grid Protocol version of the Second Life viewer, which logs you into an agent domain running on the Second Life preview grid, and allows you to rez, without inventory, on a destination grid that understands the Open Grid Protocol. ...
We want to remind you about an upcoming update to Second Life’s infrastructure. The SSL certificate for the Second Life Production Grid is set to expire on April 16, 2025 02:40 GMT. To ensure a smooth transition, we will be rolling out an updated SSL certificate to the BlueSteel release...
一些脚本语言的指南可以在Second Life 的网页上找到。但是最好的站点是LSL Wiki。留意Second Life中资深用户进行脚本讲解的开课时间。7.我如何才能把一些东西放到物体的清单栏中?你能把任何东西放到你有修改权限的物体的清单栏上。你可以把物体和脚本放进一个盒子中然后出售这个盒子。你也可以向其中添加声音,卡片,...
TheRelease Notespages for many past versions contain links to the corresponding downloads. Note that some of these may be blocked from accessing the Second Life Grid because of their lack of support for new features. Warning:Past Viewer versions might haveknown security issues, can be partially ...
I recommend doing your test imports on the beta grid (Aditi) because it uses fake L$. Once the items is perfect, you can import once on the main grid. Model will appear in the import window in white, possibly small. It can be rotated and zoomed The importer creates a .slm file in...
LL's old official files are at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Project_Bento_Resources_and_Information in several formats. You may need to import, and you may have bone size problems. (I don't think the female .dae file actually has problems FWIW.) Better, but Blender-specific, files...
Note: Instead of logging into the SL Main Grid (Agni) to do your test uploads, there is a second option the SL Beta Test Grid (Aditi). Uploads to Beta grid are "free" http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh But unfortunately I believe that at the moment there are problems with new...
The Linden-designed continents (known as "mainland") are the largest connected land-masses in Second Life, consisting of hundreds of regions connected to one another with roads, railroads and open oceans. The “mainland” is estate ID 1 and owned by Governor Linden. Residents with apremium acc...