Second Life's official website. Second Life is a free 3D virtual world and original metaverse where users can create, connect, and chat with others from around the world using voice and text.
What is the title of your favorite book?What is your favorite vacation spot?What is your pet's name? Answer I would like to receive news and special offers. I consent to theTerms of Service,Second Life Terms and Conditionsand I acknowledge receipt of thePrivacy Policy....
在SecondLife里最重要的是要学会善于使用它提供的几个工具: Search:搜索工具,这个是非常管用的工具,只要你不知道的,只要你想找的,都可以用它去搜索。 Teleport:空间穿梭工具,这个工具相当于时空穿梭机,想去哪就去哪。 Map/Minimap:地图工具,可以在你清楚的知道你所在的位置,你附近有多少人,附近有哪些地可以卖等...
Maitreya Mesh Body简称MMB,可以说是Secondlife里第一大品牌的Mesh Body。最高的市场占有率,最流行的趋势,最丰富的第三方产品,最多变的身材。做工细致、精美。个人最欣赏的就是MMB后腰部位那两个性感的腰眼,简直是巧夺天工了。而且MMB的腿型、翘臀绝对是极品中的极品,如果搭配腹肌Applier,什么叫人鱼线!什么叫马甲...
Second Life's official website. Second Life is a free 3D virtual world where users can create, connect, and chat with others from around the world using voice and text.
Classic Avatar I also picked up a pair of these sweet leather loafers in the sale. All colors of this shoe are on sale too. These are rigged for: Belleza Jake Signature Geralt Signature Gianni Legacy Male You’re going to have to hurry! The sale is only on through the weekend!
As of May 2024,Child avatars are allowed within Second Life.1. However there are some limitations and guidelines about child avatar usage and behavior. From the Age Play Policy page: Residents presenting as Child Avatars shall be prohibited from the following: ...
Discover, the ultimate free alternative to Second Life, where you can create, customize, and live out your digital dreams. Explore immersive environments, connect with friends, and embark on endless adventures in a vibrant virtual communit
Hide message We are unable to locate the region "Misali" This region may no longer exist, but please double check your spelling and coordinates to make sure there aren’t any errors and try again. If your problem persists, contact Second Life support...
本吧热帖: 1-【SecondLife】相关问题汇总与交流 2-贴吧管理规定及部分游戏问题解决,新人必看 3-好久不登,再登发现被盗号了 4-求助大佬!买了个皮肤,然后在库存里找不到了! 5-viewer技术问题求助 6-请问一下这个爬虫验证在哪里 7-存图~ 8-一些修图模板 9-萌新求助喵 10-