Statistical derivation of the equations of motion of second-order liquidsNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/BF01066494V. A. SavchenkoT. N. KhazanovichKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersTheoretical & Mathematical Physics
motivating the pursuit of an axiomatic description of entanglement akin to the laws of thermodynamics. A long-standing open problem has been to establish a true second law of entanglement, and in particular a unique function that governs all transformations between entangled systems, mirroring...
Then instantaneously reverse the direction of motion of all particles making up the gas. Assuming classical Newtonian micro-dynamics, the resulting system will show the temporal mirror image of the original behavior. Thus, its entropy will decrease over time, violating the Second Law.1 This thought...
And when it came to heat, they seem to have correctly associated it with the motion of atoms—though they imagined it came from particular spherical “fire” atoms that could slide more quickly between other atoms, and they also thought that souls were the ultimate sources...
Relativistic second-order dissipative spin hydrodynamics from the method of moments We derive relativistic second-order dissipative fluid-dynamical equations of motion for massive spin-1/2 particles from kinetic theory using the method of ... N Weickgenannt,D Wagner,E Speranza,......
In this paper, the boundary value problem of a second-order impulsive differential inclusion involving a relativistic operator is studied. First, the singular problem is reduced to an equivalent non-singular problem in order to better apply the variation
(10) In order to see that δpen is indeed very small during SR, consider the equation of motion for δφ [80,86]: δφ¨ + 3H δφ˙ − ∇2δφ a2 + V δφ = 0. In momentum space this becomes (11) δφ¨k + 3H δφ˙k + k2 a2 δφk + V δφk = 0. (12)...
Sound sources in the world are experienced as stable even when intermittently obscured, implying perceptual completion mechanisms that “fill in” missing sensory information. We demonstrate a filling-in phenomenon in which the brain extrapolates the sta
Starting from the classical Newton's second law which, according to our\nassumption, is valid in any instantaneous inertial rest frame of body that\nmoves in Minkowskian space-time we get the relativistic equation of motion\n$\\vec{F}=d\\vec{p}/dt$, where $\\vec{p}$ is the ...
However, a simpler second-order tracker such as an 𝛼-𝛽 filter is often required when the number of components and/or the size of hardware is quite limited and the complexity of target motion is predicted to be relatively small (i.e., a constant velocity model assuming a second-order...