开普勒第二定律 Kepler's Second Law 以下为从百度以及Wikipedia词条中对于开普勒第二定律的定义: 太阳系中太阳和运动中的行星的连线(矢径)在相等的时间内扫过相等的面积[1] [1] 行星的运动.人民教育出版社-课程教材研究所-高中物理必修2 A Line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas during ...
Kepler's second law 英 [ˈkɛpləz ˈsekənd lɔː] 美 [ˈkɛplərz ˈsekənd lɔː]网络 卜勒第二定律; 开普勒第二定律
Kepler's law of planetary motion开普勒行星运动定律 Kepler law【化】 开普勒定律 Kirchhoff's second law基尔霍夫电压定律 newton's second law牛顿第二定律 Newton's second law牛顿第二定律 相似单词 Keplern. (在月球东北象限的)开普勒环形山(直径为35公里) ...
Kepler's second law - a law concerning the speed at which planets travel; a line connecting a planet to the sun will sweep out equal areas in equal times; "Kepler's second law means that a planet's orbital speed changes with its distance from the sun"...
Kepler's second law means that a planet's orbital speed changes with its distance from the sun. 开普勒第二定律指行星的轨道速度与其和太阳的距离。 www.hotdic.com 2. So, I want to tell you a bit about Kepler's second law of celestial mechanics. 因此我想告诉你们,一些关于开普勒第二定律的知...
Kepler's lawlaw of equal...law of areasKepler's s... noun Synonyms for Kepler's second law nouna law concerning the speed at which planets travel Synonyms law of areas law of equal areas Related Words Kepler's law Kepler's law of planetary motion Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart...
This animation demonstrates Kepler's second law of planetary motion using 12 triangles of equal area. To view this content ... Request subscription information Related Articles Kepler's laws Orbital motion Celestial mechanics Show More Related News Mission's end for the Kepler spacecraft ...
5) Kepler's Harmonic Law 开普勒调和定律 6) Second law 第二定律 1. The paper analyses the direction, condition and limit of process from the perspective of energy transmission and transformation and quality change in order to add to people s understanding of second law of thermodynamics. ...
Kepler's Second Law in England In two recent articles by Russell and Whiteside, the reception of those particular conclusions of Kepler that have come to be called his laws of planetary motion has been subjected to the first research beyond the pioneering efforts of D... Thoren,E Victor - ...