Using the student's mother tongue in the ESL classes has been felt to be very productive as it is found to develop language accuracy and fluency. The objective of this paper is to discuss how mother tongue can be effectively us...
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English is a foreign language in India. As such many difficultiesare faced by the teacher in teaching it and by students in learning it. Thenative English speaker has imbibed the language with his mother`s milk;he has become familiar with components of English in the naturalprocess of growing...
In Jaffna, the students have a lack of opportunities to speak in English as majority of the people are Tamil speakers and the resources are limited. So, there is a need to conduct research on speaking practices in Jaffna and find a suitable remedy to enhance the speaking skill. The main ...
After 4 s, the skydiver is falling at a rate of 39.2 m/s. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions We can also find the derivative oftrigonometric functionsthat means for sin, cos, tan and so on. The formulas are given below: d/dx (sin x) = cos x ...