IntroductionThe field of second language acquisition (SLA) has grown significantly in recent years. Of the 20 plus journals (in English) concerned with topics of second and foreign language (L2) learning, for example, nearly a third were established in the past 15 years. The vast majority of...
John Benjamins Publishing Company has an agreement in place with Portico for the archiving of all its online journals and e-books. Subjects Linguistics Language policy Multilingualism Applied linguistics Language acquisition Language teaching Main BIC Subject ...
Print Edition ISBN 0-08-025338-5 First internet edition December 2002 Acknowledgments I would like to thank the following journals and organizations for granting permission to reprint material: Newbury House, the Center for Applied Linguistics, Language Learning, TESOL, the SPEAQ Journal, Academic ...
摘要: Cambridge Journals Online - Studies in Second Language Acquisition - Abstract - THE STUDY OF SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION. Rod Ellis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. Pp. vii + 824. $29.95 paper.DOI: 10.1017/S0272263100014479 年份: 2008 ...
1994. The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: OUP. pp. 824. R168,99. Two of Rod Ellis's books, Instructed second language acquisition (Ellis 1989), and Second language acquisition and second language pedagogy (Ellis 1990), are standard works. In addition, he has an impressive ...
This book has been well received in applied linguistics circles, having been reviewed very favourably in at least six major referred journals. It is a both unusual and novel dissection and re-analysis of previous second language acquisition research, which aims to make the case for a more social...
With three journals devoted primarily to SLA research (e.g., Language Learning, Second Language Research, Studies in Second Language Acquisition) and numerous others regularly publishing articles on the topic (e.g., Applied Language Learning, Applied Linguistics, Issues in Applied Linguistics, TESOL ...
Journals ISSN 24505455, 24512125 Coverage 2018-2023 Information Homepage How to publish in this journal Scope Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition is an academic research-oriented journal devoted to the theoretical issues concerning language acquisition processes and ...
John Benjamins Publishing Company has an agreement in place with Portico for the archiving of all its online journals and e-books. Subjects Linguistics Phonetics Multilingualism Applied linguistics Language acquisition Phonology Language teaching Main BIC Subject ...
Studies in Second Language Acquisition http://journals.cambridge/SLA Additional services for Studies in Second Language Acquisition: Email alerts: Click here Subscriptions: Click here Commercial reprints: Click here Terms of use : Click here THE ROLES OF PHONOLOGICAL SHORTTERM MEMORY AND WORKING ME...