找第二大的数SQL-Second Highest Salary 1: 找小于最大的最大的 1 select max(Salary) from Employee where Salary<(select MAX(Salary) from Employee); 2. 排序 1 select Salary from Employee where Salary not in (select MAX(Salary)from Employee) order by Salary desc limit 1; 1 2 3 4 5 ...
In this article, I am going to explain to you how to find the second highest salary in various ways. This is one of the most common questions asked in an SQL interview. Below are the several ways of finding the Nth highest salary: How to find the second highest salary in SQL Server ...
+---+---+ For example, given the above Employee table, the second highest salary is200. If there is no second highest salary, then the query should returnnull. https://leetcode.com/problems/second-highest-salary/ 首先MySQL不支持top语法,要用limit代替。 selectSalaryfromEmployeeorderbySalarydes...
limit 1,1),null) as SecondHighestSalary 学到了一个sql函数IFNULL,该函数的作用是判断查询结果集是否为空,若为空则返回第二个参数 还有一种做法,直接用两个select解决 select(select distinct(Salary) from Employee order by(Salary) desc limit 1,1) as SecondHighestSalary...
/* Write your T-SQL query statement below */SELECT MAX(Salary) AS SecondHighestSalaryFROM (SELECT Salary, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Salary DESC) rnk FROM Employee) E1WHERE Salary NOT IN (SELECT MAX(Salary) FROM Employee) AND rnk=2 2020-11-30 回复喜欢 1 家长鸡娃失败后给孩...
NULL) AS SecondHighestSalary 知识点总结: limit offset 使用 SELECTcolumn_list选择要读取的列名 FROM table1 选择表名 ORDER BY column_list 排列顺序 LIMITrow_count OFFSET offset 读取列数为 row count, offset 为跳过多少列 图片来自https://www.sqltutorial.org/sql-limit/ ...
In this article, How to find Second Highest salary in SQL?, it gives more than 10 ways for this question, but we are not interested in getting the same solution with more complex logic. There ARE some equivalent solutions to what we have in Answer 1, and some with advantages for the ...
Write a SQL query to get the second highest salary from the Employee table. +---+---+ | Id | Salary | +---+---+ | 1 | 100 | | 2 | 200 | | 3 | 300 | +---+---+ For example, given the above Employee table, the query should return 200 as the second highest salary....
1. 2. 题目解析: SELECT max(Salary) FROM Employee WHERE Salary < (SELECT max(Salary) FROM Employee) Using max() will return a NULL if the value doesn't exist. So there is no need to UNION a NULL. Of course, if the second highest value is guaranteed to exist, using LIMIT 1,1 wil...
ROW_NUMBER() and select = 2