Things will go out of hand if we don’t take it seriously Juma prayer cancelled at Pattalappally in Kozhikode High heat wave forecast from KSDMA Corona pandemic’s global spread;168,019 confirmed cases;latest updates Corona;formal sitting only in courts until 31,March in Kozhikode People...
A police officer got out of one of them and held his hand up to stop us from driving further and walked toward the car. My husband told him that we were lost. The officer laughed and said-“I would say so. Do you know where you are?” We both said-No…we were just driving arou...
we headed back to Harrods to have our tea atThe Georgian Restaurantat 4pm. The restaurant is on the fourth floor and is such a beautiful space that I could imagine someone having a wedding there. We were decked out in pretty dresses for ...