all those years w/the minutemen and fIREHOSE I was port side but the snare drum was killing me so I switched. I sling the little bass and start us off. spot's at the stage's lip taking snaps for this last secondmen gig he's gonna witness this tour. I can tell pete's having ...
(for every dick there's a nice person) but she also tried to bogart the limelight when we did "chinese firedrill" by coming up on stage and telling watt that she loved him and offering her hand in marriage-(I don't think he was prepared to take a walk down the aisle) but either ...
my cats aren't just collaborators but life preservers too. jer breaks a snare drum head in the big "sister ray" wail and I wish he would've just went ahead and played our last tune, the soft "chinese firedrill" ballad on the tom or something. the delay of him scrambling on stage l...