On the one hand, the form does justice to the traumatic nature of refugees’ life experiences. On the other hand, the vignette structure speaks to many readers’ exposure to refugees’ lives; that is, as beholders, we can only observe them through bits and pieces, and we may never get ...
He makes a call home to Ireland and summons Det. St. John Strafford, who flies down to Spain at the same time as a hit man, whose ultimate target may just be Quirke himself. (Thom) A Time Outside This Time by Amitava Kumar: In the latest from the author of Immigrant, Montana, a...
the other hand, the results regarding the adults corroborate previous studies by Magliacane and Howard (2019) and Magliacane (2020), who also focused on the acquisition of the PM well in a SA setting in Ireland (the adults of these study went on SA programs in either the UK or Ireland)...