Or found a sailor and sails the 7 Seas. She’s a cat who sits and watches the vacuum cleaner when we clean, instead of running to hide. She is Xena, Fearless Warrior Princess. Who is also a complete and total cuddlebug. The NY Giants are ALWAYS at the Superbowl in my house, ...
While Anja who is incredibly athletic and the first to raise her hand when the crew asks for volunteers to work the sails, my primary job was the do minimal labor and maximum relaxation. We met some fun people on the tour from all over the world and the crew of three super tanned and...
1 16 English n ˈɪŋglɪʃ anglès the language that is spoken in the UK, the US, and We have an English lesson every day. in many other countries 1 15 example n ɪgˈzɑːmpl exemple something that is typical of the group of things that Give me an example of ...
but shoved my hand so hard that it got stuck in the grate and lifted off when i tried to pull it up, derp. Scratched my hand to shit, but it wasn't deep at all and i was able to get the keys back.
On the other hand, as an inherent consequence, a relevant conservative safety margin is introduced at lower levels. Therefore, the sequential application of levels would be desirable—if a ship is deemed vulnerable by Lv1, the second level criteria should be used in order to understand whether ...