Posted on March 9, 2021Categories Second Life, Second Life Creator Spotlight, Second Life Fashion, Second Life Steals, Deals and Freebies, UncategorizedTags Scandalize, Scandalize Outlet, Second Life, Second Life Dresses, Second Life Fashion, Second Life Gowns, Second Life Women's Shoes, Second...
Let's say you decide you need to keep your stipend for the dresses you buy or rentals you take without tier, and have to pay Canadian dollars not annualized, per month, and not offset by the stipend. That would mean Canadian $16.42 per month. That's the kind of expense -- like a ...
Move to Northern Territory, Australia with Confirmed Job in Hand – Global Recruitment Drive to India and Philippines When the truth is replaced by silence, that silence is a lie” -Sasikumar Is the Kitchen the heart of a home? ‘Parukutty Neithyaramma, a visionary ‘ Sesham Mikeil Fat...
I’ve tried several dresses that would be great if I worked at Epcot in any of the various restaurants with weakly veiled attempts to bring European authenticity to central Florida. I’ve tried some that made me look 7 months pregnant. Sadly, those maternity dresses were not even all that ...
The young woman there assured me that Sarah could specify all those needs and they would be followed. Photo for Shirley – plane and the moon. I went back to Sarah (who was chatting with friends) to let her know and then I headed back up to wash some things by hand. I think ...
1922: Yamaha hand-wound gramophone Who knew when Yamaharolled out its hand-wound gramophonethat the device would be theinspiration for the Grammyaward? As sound technology continued to improve through the 20th century (especially with the invention of the radio), thegramophone morphed into the reco...
She inspired dolls, dresses, dishes—even a drink (alcohol-free, of course). US President Franklin D. Roosevelt once famously said that “as long as our country has Shirley Temple, we will be all right.’’ Unlike so many of today’s child stars, Temple didn’t end up with her name...
Tonight, I am going to try the recipe forBlueberry Crumb Bars from Smitten Kitchen. They looked so crumbly and juicy when I saw the recipe onCupcakes and Cashmerethat I had to check it out for myself. We have a breakfast potluck at work tomorrow, so I’m going to try my hand at ...
we headed back to Harrods to have our tea atThe Georgian Restaurantat 4pm. The restaurant is on the fourth floor and is such a beautiful space that I could imagine someone having a wedding there. We were decked out in pretty dresses for the occasion, although we did not don any hats....