“tumbril” for the correction of fraudulent baker or brewer destroyed. Of such a strife we have an instance in the fight which the burghers of Wallingford carried on with their neighbours. They first sought to crush the rising prosperity of Abingdon by declaring that its fair was an illegal...
22 God will crush the heads of his enemies, the hairy scalp of the one who walks in sin.(GU)23 The Lord has said: “Even from Bashan I will fetch them, fetch them even from the depths of the sea.[cw]24 You will wash your feet in your enemy’s blood; the tongues of your ...
A single tooth is attached to the upper jaw, another to the lower, and both are square and about a forearm and a handspan long. Their teeth are so strong that they can easily crush anything that they get between them, be it stone, be it animal, tame or wild. During th...