Yung Lean’s Second Chance / The FADER 转载 一篇fader杂志的长文章,Warlord发行前后的,算是reddit上最广为流传的yung lean的文章吧,粗略翻译,趁粉丝们都在兴奋地听新专Starz中。---Yung Lean’s Second ChanceYung Lean以一个局外人的身份走近美国说唱界,声名鹊起,然后悲剧发生了。一年后,他有机会做得更好。
“Henry” has been directed by Ramiro Lopez Dau, who also did animation work for Pixar films like “Monsters University,”“Brave” and “Cars 2.” Other notable animators involved in the production of “Henry” include Kendal Cronkhite and Bernhard Haux, who have previously worked for Dreamwor...