Second hand smoking (SHS) increases the risk of chronic physical conditions in adults, while also posing severe health risks (e.g., sudden infant death syndrome) to children [1,2,3,4,5]. The 2019 Global Burden of Disease Study estimated that exposure to SHS contributed to 1.3 million prem...
Their cable cars are famous not only for tourists who want to climb up the mountain to get to Arvi Park, which candidly I didn’t find that impressive, but the ride up and views certainly are. The cars that go into the small mountain-side barrios give the residents efficient and affordab...
Samara, the ones I buy are unsalted and shelled. (In fact, I didn't think pumpkin seeds had shells. Sure you haven't got a different sort of seed?) They're large, flat and sort of olive green, and are crunchy in the same way nuts are. Definately yes to the flax bread recipe, ...