Blogging in the Classroom: Adapting Blog Software for 5th Graders This presentation will be a report on my experiences using blogs with a fifth grade class and the process I went through to create a suitable blog system. I will present an overview of the major open source multi-user blog ...
Indeed, as Hulstijn (2001) points out, most teachers and scientist are well aware of the fact that even though incidental learning is a useful and powerful tool for language learning, it is important to teach learners the linguistic principles and lexical system of the target language, as well...
although I will have to go over each block/week at a designated time each week or two during the school year and make sure I have ideas for what I want to do with the Main Lesson book. My tenth grade planning is coming along slowly, but I hope to have a majority of it...
Six elementary school teachers independently rated the students' writing samples using the second grade district writing rubric. The Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test was employed for the purpose of data analysis. According to the statistical analysis, writing scores increased significantly. Many ...
Hi everyone. Sorry about the hiatus. I'm going to be honest. Aside from being crazy busy at school, I've kind of been in a teacher-blogging-funk. I log into Blogger every day, see all of the other wonderful blogs that I follow, and I'm feeling a little intimidated. It seems as...
(2011) asked 70 students taking a course for prehealth professions to use X in multiple educational activities, but the control group (55 students) did not use X as a regular part in their class. The researchers discovered that the X-using group had a higher semester grade point averages ...
grade so he lowered it or else it would “look bad”. So based on this, I‘m guessing this is what the teachers thought process was when grading us, not going too high and not going too low. Just average. With the exception of the 93’s which my friend believes is a real grade....
Investigating teacher agency with respect to the digital affordances for language teaching is important; it can further the understanding of how teachers situate their language instruction in the digital environment to promote students’ remote learning (Lamy & Hampel, 2007). Lessons gained therein also...
“Philomena Namesake Doesn’t Blame Catholic Church for her Ordeal,”by Nicole Winfield in The Huffington Post “The Real Philomena Lee finds Hollywood Ending to Adoption Story,”by Anne Midgette inThe Washington Post Lori Holden blogs atLavenderLuz.comand contributes to theHuffington Post. Her book...
for disabling the enemy rather than killing the enemy. As such, all military rounds must by jacketed, meaning they do not expand, fragment, or deform when they impact an object, unlike common civil defense handgun ammunition, which is designed to kill. Therefore, military-grade ammo = less ...