His position was second only to the king, and much was expected of him. Ọle ha zẹ sikẹ ọnojie, bhiriọ, ọrẹ khẹke nin ọle lu nọnsẹn. jw2019 Mt 22:39 —What is the second greatest commandment in the Law? Mt 22:39—Uhi nela zẹ sikẹ ...
the 1st love commandment is all about “pride” (or being your own god) when disobeyed. Well this commandment when disobeyed, explains how a person fuels that pride. Thus, the 1st love commandment and the 2nd love commandment go hand-in...
because no one knows how to translate them into modern language. Anyone who says they know what the commandment against “coveting” means is lying to you, for example. So is anyone whoclaims to know the meaning of “witch”in “Thou shalt ...
yet this commandment regards love as the former, and requires that it be as that, true, hearty, sincere, and perfect; that it be with singleness of heart, always, and to all men; and that it spring from love to God, and be performed to his glory: and which is expressed in the wo...
You must never engage with or defend Me against My enemies. Never lose sight of the Most Holy Bible. Let no man tamper with it. Ignore those who try to convince you that God would condone any attempt to change one single word, one single prophecy, one single Commandment, for that is ...
as a transgressor of God's commandment and of the apostolic precepts. For Peter the supreme head (hh keruphai'a akro'ths) of the Apostles commands, "Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre but of a...
So if God writes a book, do you think that book should change over time? It’s reasonable to have minor translation differences between languages, but what if the changes were not simply translation differences? What if they changed the meaning entirely?
The phrase, with the double genitive καὶ τῆς τῶν ἀποστόλων ὑμῶν ἐντολῆς τοῦ κυρίου, naturally means, "and the commandment of the Lord given by your apostles." The pronoun ὑμῶν is the best-sustained reading, and ...
In the future when your son asks you, “What is the meaning of the decrees and statutes and ordinances that the Lord, our God, has commanded of you,” 21 you are to tell your son, “We were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt, but the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand. 22...
Now the king, being desirous of saving his child even from this misfortune, gave commandment that all the spindles in his kingdom should be burnt up. The maiden grew up, adorned with all the gifts of the wise women; and she was so lovely, modest, sweet, and kind and clever, that ...