theSecondCominghereisnotreallyasecondcomingofChristhimself,butofanewfigure-inthiscasecruel,bestial,pitiless-whowillrepresenttheneweraasChristsymbolizedtheold. WhenavastimageoutofSpiritusMundi Troublesmysight:awasteofdesertsand; Ashapewithlionbodyandtheheadofaman, Agazeblankandpitilessasthesun, Ismovingitsslo...
simple fact - Christ will return. We see the teachings of Jesus strongly emphasized his return. Luke 19:12 - parable of the ten pounds. Mt. 25: 14-19 - parable of the talents 第二十二页,编辑于星期六:十四点 三十七分。 As we discuss “The Second Coming of Christ”, consider that the...
As we discuss “The Second Coming of Christ”, consider that the Bible speaks about… The Fact of His return. - Jn. 14: 1-3 no guessing, theorizing, or speculating. simple fact - Christ will return. We see the teachings of Jesus strongly emphasized his return. ...
Jesus Christ is coming back to this Earth very soon. What does God reveal in the Bible that shows us that now is the season of the Lord’s return?
As the second coming of Jesus Christ closes in on us, by that time, there will be increasing and widespread doubt about whether Jesus was even real. People will start wondering if God really exists and many believers will leave the Christian faith (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, 1 Timothy 4:1-...
The article discusses the second coming of Jesus Christ. Topics discussed include the people who will be left behind, the signs before the second coming, and the Great Tribulation. Also mentioned are how people can redeem the gift of Salvation, what will happen to people who are left behind,...
Brian McLaren – Rethinking the Second Coming of Jesus ChristThe Emerging Church
: the time when Jesus Christ will return to judge humanity at the end of the world : parousia Word History First Known Use 15th century, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of Second Coming was in the 15th century See more words from the same century Dictiona...
TheSecondComingOfChrist Acts1:9-11 9Andwhenhehadspokenthesethings,whiletheybeheld,hewastakenup;andacloudreceivedhimoutoftheirsight.10Andwhiletheylookedstedfastlytowardheavenashewentup,behold,twomenstoodbytheminwhiteapparel;11Whichalsosaid,YemenofGalilee,whystandyegazingupintoheaven?thissameJesus,whichistak...