【蔡司收购红外相机品牌SECACAM】蔡司(ZEISS)成功收购德国红外感应相机公司VenTrade GmbH及其旗下品牌SECACAM。借助此次收购,蔡司将进一步扩大在自然观察领域的产品组合。蔡司消费光学市场、产品、销售与服务负责人Sebastian Doentgen表示:“红外感应相机可以提供绝佳的机会,让人们能够身临其境地观察鸟类以及其他野生动物的栖息...
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6月27日,蔡司ZEISS宣布已成功收购德国VenTrade GmbH公司以及旗下SECACAM相机品牌。 此次收购的完成,蔡司将进一步扩大在该领域核心竞争力,红外相机可以让人们能够身临其境地观察鸟类以及其他野生动物的栖息地和活动区。这种相机不仅可以定期监测动物种群数量,还能用干观察动物的觅食地或栖息地,有着极为广泛的应用。
Zeiss has unveiled the SecaCam 3, a trail camera designed for nature enthusiasts and professionals, offering advanced features tailored for wildlife monitoring and photography. Known for its optics and precision engineering, Zeiss continues its legacy with this high-tech solution, blending quality imagin...
We've completely rebuilt the basic framework of our app, so now everything is super fast - from login to navigation. This makes ZEISS Secacam cameras even more fun! Show attachment location When you turn on your ZEISS Secacam, the camera transmits its location to the app. So if you for...
#Amazon#【SECACAM Wildcamera 野外观察相机 149,90欧】德国制造,猎物相机,迷彩外壳,夜视功能,1200万像素,100度视角,20米远可视。防护等级IP54:尘土不会影响正常动作,防止飞溅水侵入。这玩意儿太酷了,德亚771用户好评4.7星,看来老德很喜欢这玩意儿:O网页链接 ...
【蔡司收购红外相机品牌SECACAM】蔡司(ZEISS)成功收购德国红外感应相机公司VenTrade GmbH及其旗下品牌SECACAM。借助此次收购,蔡司将进一步扩大在自然观察领域的产品组合。 蔡司消费光学市场、产品、销售与服务负责人Sebastian Doentgen表示:“红外感应相机可以提供绝佳的机会,让人们能够身临其境地观察鸟类以及其他野生动物的栖...
We've completely rebuilt the basic framework of our app, so now everything is super fast - from login to navigation. This makes ZEISS Secacam cameras even more fun! Show attachment location When you turn on your ZEISS Secacam, the camera transmits its location to the app. So if you for...
We've completely rebuilt the basic framework of our app, so now everything is super fast - from login to navigation. This makes ZEISS Secacam cameras even more fun! Show attachment location When you turn on your ZEISS Secacam, the camera transmits its location to the app. So if you for...