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Step 7: Recognize the tangent addition formulaNow, we can recognize that:tan(π4+θ2)=tanπ4+tanθ21−tanπ4tanθ2Since tanπ4=1, we have:=1+tanθ21−tanθ2 Step 8: Conclude the proofThus, we have shown that:secθ+tanθ=tan(π4+θ2)This completes the proof. --- Show Mo...
{eq}r=-\dfrac{1}{\cos\theta} \implies... Learn more about this topic: Polar Coordinates | Definition, Conversion & Examples from Chapter 1/ Lesson 16 45K Understand the definition of polar coordinates, discover the formula for expressing polar coordinates, and learn how to convert ca...
Understand trigonometric functions such as sine, cosine, and tangent. Be familiar with their mnemonic, their formula, and their graphs through the given examples. Related to this Question Verify the identity. 1/sec(theta)+1 + 1/sec(theta)-1 = 2csc(theta) cot(theta) ...
y=log(sec\theta+tan\theta)and x=sec\theta find dy/dx Solution Step 2 Unlock Answer Unlock Previous questionNext question Not the question you’re looking for? Post any question and get expert help quickly.
Use the substitution formula to evaluate the integral 2 pi pi / 3 4 cos 3 x sin x d x Evaluate the integral from 0 to pi of (9e^x + 9 sin(x)) dx. Evaluate the integral: int 0 pi (2 ex + 4 sin(x)) dx. Integrate: the integral from 0 to pi/2 of (cos...
Sometimes we may also need to solve the other side. Use the basic trigonometric identities and appropriate algebraic formula, where necessary. Answer and Explanation: To verify: sec2θ−1sec2θ=sin2θ To verify the above identity, solve the left hand side of the......
sin2(θ2)=secθ-12secθ Use the appropriate power-reducing formula and rewrite the left side of the identity. 1-cosθ (Simplify your answer.) Rewrite the expression from the previous step by multiplying the numerator and denominator by secθ....
s_k(X) = \prod_{i=0}^{2^k-1}(X-\theta_i), \text{ where $\theta_i\in V_k$ } $$ The polynomial $s_k(X)$ can also be seen as the Vanishing Polynomial on the Domain $V_k$, because for any $\theta\in V_k$, it satisfies: $$ s_k(\theta) = 0 $$ ### Lineariz...
D32 Submit Ifx=asec3θandy=atan3θ, finddydxatθ=π3 View Solution Free Ncert Solutions English Medium NCERT Solutions NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Medium NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Medium NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Medium ...