Trump said Atkins, the CEO of Patomak Partners and a former SEC commissioner, was a "proven leader for common sense regulations." In the years since leaving the SEC, Atkins has made the case against too much market regulation. "He believes in the promise o...
Trump said Atkins, the CEO of Patomak Partners and a former SEC commissioner, was a "proven leader for common sense regulations." In the years since leaving the SEC, Atkins has made the case against too much market regulation. "He believes in the promise of robust, innov...
Depending on a small internal team of highly skilled security gurus often leads to all your institutional application security knowledge leaving your company when they do. On the other hand, if your internal strategic team works with an outsourced managed services partner, that knowledge is already ...
In a sign of how bad things have gone for Republicans, the priest – Father Danny -- ran out of hosts after Wash Post political editor Tim Curran received communion, leaving GOP strategist Doug Heye stranded at th...
"There's no timeframe (on leaving). It could be whatever years everybody wants," said Slive, 71. "This has already been a decade. It's gone so fast, it's hard to believe. I think it will take that much time to do some of the things I have in my mind to get done." ...
TRANSITIONS -- BRIAN CALLANAN, staff director and general counsel of the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, is leaving to become a partner at Cooper & Kirk, an elite litigation boutique based...
Pending approval next week, Templeton said the tournament will open with two games on Wednesday night -- No. 12 vs. No. 13 seeds and No. 11 vs. No. 14. This is the same format the ACC recently adopted for its 14-team tournament once Pittsburgh and Syracuse arrive, leaving the top fo...
Before leaving, Turing tells Scrooge he wants to introduce him to an old friend: She’s at and has an important message to share with you, Scrooge. Feel free to connect with her, surf the Internet together, and see if you can discover her secret.” This is the first ...
The Youth and Community Department of Berkshire County Council has also offered a great deal of financial support. In 1997/8, for instance, the Reading Chinese School received a grant for£2,500, £2,000 of which was spent on renting classrooms, leaving only£500 for paying teachers and oth...
Trump said Atkins, the CEO of Patomak Partners and a former SEC commissioner, was a "proven leader for common sense regulations." In the years since leaving the SEC, Atkins has made the case against too much market regulation. "He believes in the promise of robust, innovative capital mar...