Kolide Fleet - Kolide Fleet is a state of the art host monitoring platform tailored for security experts. Leveraging Facebook's battle-tested osquery project, Kolide delivers fast answers to big questions. Limacharlie - an endpoint security platform. It is itself a collection of small projects al...
Tempe, Arizona Arizona State University / Shellphish / r3kapig 32 0 215 0 0 Python,C 0 0 nettitude 这篇文章介绍了Tartarus-TpAllocInject,一个简单的加载器,使用Tartarus Gate方法通过间接系统调用执行shellcode,并改变了原有的CreateThreadPoolWait函数的调用方式,从而实现了OPSEC安全的红队操作。 https://...
首先php中的Phar文件是一种压缩包格式,可以理解为一个zip文件(当然功能比zip多很多),其支持在web上直接访问:http://example.com/file.phar/xxx.php这种形式。 但是,由于一些历史原因,当解析到`file://`开头时会调用相关函数进行解压操作并执行其中内容;而对`phar://`开头的内容则会尝试将其作为本地路径去寻找...
Investigators from the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) said Monday they discovered that the deputy minister, who wasn’t identified, proposed the transfer of equipment to the directors of a state coal mining company in the east of Ukraine and a state coal mine in the west. The deputy ...
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { if (config.success) { config.success(xmlhttp.responseText, xmlhttp.readyState); } } else {} } if (config.type == "GET") { xmlhttp.open("GET", config.url + "?" + sendString, config.method); ...
1. Name and Address of Reporting Person* COLTHARP DOUGLAS E (Last)(First)(Middle) 1020 HULL STREET (Street) BALTIMOREMD21230 (City)(State)(Zip) 2. Issuer NameandTicker or Trading Symbol Under Armour, Inc.[UA] 5. Relationship of Reporting Person(s) to Issuer ...
1. Name and Address of Reporting Person* Eskridge Kevin (Last)(First)(Middle) 1020 HULL STREET (Street) BALTIMOREMD21230 (City)(State)(Zip) 2. Issuer NameandTicker or Trading Symbol Under Armour, Inc.[UA] 5. Relationship of Reporting Person(s) to Issuer ...
/sbin/iptables-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -m owner --uid-owner vivek -p tcp --dport 80 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT 下面的样例则是阻挡所有Apache用户的传出连接,只允许smtp服务及spam识别API服务通过: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
7 Chiese rupestri sono state rinvenute a Santa Severina, a Petilia Policastro ed a Cotronei, sempre nel territorio crotonese, e insediamenti con centinaia di grotte a Casabona, altro paese dell'entroterra crotonese, in località Valle Cupa, alcune delle quali presentano elementi che ...
BehindMLM reader “Skeptic” reports that after purchasing an official record of formation from the Texas Secretary of State, he discovered that Jennifer Grace and Terry Lacore were both listed as sole directors of Rippln. CorporationWiki ties Jennifer Grace into “Grace Holdings LLC”, which indi...