CaCl2促进的[Me4N][SeCF3]对醇的三氟甲硒基化反应 武汉理工大学张成潘教授课题组利用[Me4N][SeCF3]作为三氟甲硒基源,实现了诸多三氟甲硒基化反应。最初,他们发展了Ni催化的[Me4N][SeCF3]对芳基碘代烷、芳基溴代烷和芳基氯代烷的选择性三氟甲硒基化反应(Org. Lett., 2017, 19, 3919)。接着,在无催...
武汉理工大学张成潘教授课题组多年来一直致力于发展新的三氟甲硒基化反应,他们以[Me4N][SeCF3]为三氟甲硒基化试剂,实现了多种类型底物的直接三氟甲硒基化,并取得了多项研究成果。如:1)利用[Me4N][SeCF3]与氧化剂组合实现了对富电子芳烃的氧化三氟甲硒基化反应(Org. Chem. Front., 2019, 6, 2732);2...
To analyze the effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000)-simulated drought stress on the germination of the35 S::SeCspAand35 S::SeCspBlines, seeds were placed on half-strength solid MS medium supplemented with various concentrations of PEG. After one week, the germination rates of the35...
SEC61A1 encodes a central protein of the mammalian translocon and dysfunction results in severe disease. Recently, mutation R236C was identified in patients having autosomal dominant polycystic liver disease (ADPLD). The molecular phenotype of R236C was
Protein secretion in eukaryotes and prokaryotes involves a universally conserved protein translocation channel formed by the Sec61 complex. Unrelated small-molecule natural products and synthetic compounds inhibit Sec61 with differential effects for different substrates or for Sec61 from different organisms, ...
Preventing the biogenesis of disease-relevant proteins is an attractive therapeutic strategy, but attempts to target essential protein biogenesis factors have been hampered by excessive toxicity. Here we describe KZR-8445, a cyclic depsipeptide that targ
—There is no doubt about it.截至2021年年底,被称为“中国首善〞、承诺裸捐的私人企业家陈光标10年慈善捐赠总额已超过14亿元,其中2021年,陈光标为慈善和公益事业捐款超过3亿元。陈光标说:“这既是对人民的汇报,也是对自己的一种鞭策,它会鞭策我更好地为国家,为社会,为人民多做一些实事。〞这说明①...
C. CaCl₂ D. CaC₂O₄ E. CaSO₄ 查看完整题目与答案 在一定温度下,m克水中溶解某物质n克,溶液恰好达到饱和。此温度下该物质的溶解度为()克。 A. 100n:m B. 100m:n C. 100n:(m+n) D. n:m E. 10n:m 查看完整题目与答案 等物质的量的氢气和氯气具有相同的() ...
CaCl_2 pretreatedrnE. macrocarpa and L. secundiflorum had t_(max), T_(max) and t_R were 5.2 and 5.6 h, 83.7 and 78.6°C, 0.5 andrn0.5, respectively. Therefore, CaCl_2 pre-treatment significantly served as an accelerator to improve cementrnhydration parameter...