13F 报告(英文名称 13Filings 或 SEC Form 13F)是指美国大型机构投资者每个季度需要披露的持仓报告。美国证监会(SEC)规定投资美国资本市场且资产规模超过1亿美元的机构投资者,需要在每个季度结束之后的45天之内,向证监会提交13F 报告披露自己当前持有的美国股权,并提供有关资金的去向。13F 报告方便公众了解机构投资者持...
13F 报告(英文名称 13Filings 或 SEC Form 13F)是指美国大型机构投资者每个季度需要披露的持仓报告。美国证监会(SEC)规定投资美国资本市场且资产规模超过1亿美元的机构投资者,需要在每个季度结束之后的45天之内,向证监会提交13F 报告披露自己当前持有的美国股权,并提供有关资金的去向。13F 报告方便公众了解机构投资者持...
tracks and analyzes hedge fund filings in real-time. SEC 13F data analysis and reporting. Email notification. Research & Replicate Portfolios of the World's Best Investors
Because 13F filings provide investors with a look at the holdings of Wall Street's top stock pickers, many smaller investors have sought to use the filings as a guide for their own investment strategies. Their rationale is that the nation's largest institutional investors are not only presumably...
Flowserve Corp. SEC filings breakout by MarketWatch. View the FLS U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission reporting information.
Since 1993, we have been a top software and services provider for SEC EDGAR filings. Whether you are a reporting public or investmentmanagement company, mutual fund, closed-end fund (CEF) or business development company (BDC), securities law firm, filing agent,transfer agent, financial printer,...
按区域选择,选一家美国公司,进入公司页面后选 SEC FILINGS,里面有提交给SEC的全部文件,包括年度报告、中期报告、季度报告、上市时的注册登记文件等等。1、纳斯达克证券市场 NASDAQhttp://www.nasdaq.com/zh 2、美国证券交易所 AMEXhttp://www.amex.com/ 3、纽约证券交易所 NYSEhttps://www.nyse.com/about/...
Securities and Exchange Commission. Accordingly, the said omission of nearly 500 stocks out of its total holdings will not affect on the total return, performance and net asset value of Fidelity mutual funds.BarneyLeeMoney Management Executive
Compiling and submitting SEC reports to EDGAR is a time-consuming process. We help you with filing form 13F, 13H, schedule 13G/13G, and make EDGAR filings to the SEC quick, accurate, and on time.
SEC Filings NASDAQ: CSCOLink to Stock Page 60.67-1.39(-2.24%) 20 minutes minimum delayMar 11, 20254:00 PM