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10:14a ‘She’s still waiting by the phone’: My grandmother gave her life savings to a man she met online. What now? 10:13a ‘I’m a reluctant snowbird’: We’re in our 60s and own a $1 million home. Can we afford a $290K vacation home near our grandchildren? 10:00a The...
Recent OSI Systems SEC Filings All Filing Types11010-D10-K10-M10-Q11-K12b-2513F13H1441515F17-H1818-K19b-4(e)19b-419b-71-A1-E1-K1-N1-SA1-U1-Z20-F24F-2252-E3440-F56-K7-M8-A8-K8-M9-MABS DD-15EABS-15GABS-EEADVADV-EADV-HADV-NRADV-WATSATS-RBDBD-NBDWCCA-1CBCFPORTALDF-1F-...
10-K 年报 8-K 季报发布期间的重要事件或公司变化临时报告 11-K 员工持股变动年度报告 DEF 14-A 股东委托书决议 1. Securities Exchange Commision (美国证券交易委员会网站) 网页链接 2. Search Company Filings(进入搜索页) 网页链接 3. Entry Company Name:facebook(搜索上市公司名称) 网页链接 4. Viewing ...
•Google Services revenues increased 10% to $84.1 billion, reflecting the strong momentum across Google Search & other and YouTube ads. •Google Cloud revenues increased 30% to $12.0 billion led by growth in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) across core GCP products, AI Infrastructure, and Generat...
HomeHow to Search SEC Filings Last10K.comis here to provide you with how to search SEC Filings, including a company’s 10-K annual report and 10-Q quarterly report. Follow the steps below to begin: Type a ticker or Central Index Key (CIK) value on the homepage of If ...
Like others in our industry, we have experienced many attempts to compromise our information technology and data, including a successful attempt in 2016 that we have discussed in previous filings, and we may experience more attempts in the future. In addition to property and casualty insurance, ...
Our cloud-based application - EDGAR®Pro brings together filings, financial data, ownership information and insider data across over 12,000 SEC and OTC filers to simplify company and sector analysis. Pricing for Edgar Pro is based on a per user basis. User break-point discounts are available....
Ms. Ng also completed all related legal documentation and filings pursuant to regulatory requirements while successfully discharging her ongoing role as Chief Legal Officer. Ms. Ng also has over 20 years of experience with the Company and her know-how was considered critical to providing a strong ...
Quickly and easily search Reg A, Reg CF, Reg D filings. Go +More options Reg CFReg D (506b)Reg D (506c)Reg A CommonCommon StockDebtEquityEquity (common or preferred stock)Mineral PropertyOption To AcquireOtherOther(describe)Pooled Investment FundPreferred StockSecurity To Be AcquiredSecurity...