sec硕士工资80%岗位拿¥10-30K。 sec硕士薪酬区间: 8K - 30K,其中80%的岗位拿¥10-30K 数据量过少,无法提供薪酬区间分析 说明:sec硕士工资统计来自于近一年5条工资数据,数据取决于岗位样本。仅供参考。 ¥10-30K 80%的岗位拿 说明:岗位平均工资是以企业发布的招聘岗位为分析依据,建议结合职位类型及学历...
sec工资84.7%岗位拿¥10-30K。本科工资¥20.0K,硕士工资¥16.8K。 sec薪酬区间: 8K - 50K,其中84.7%的岗位拿¥10-30K 7.7%8-10K*** ?10-15K7.7%15-20K*** ?20-30K7.7%30-50K 说明:sec工资统计来自于近一年13条工资数据,数据取决于岗位样本。仅供参考。
如果 SEC 审查员的职位是“助理总监”或“高级助理总会计师”,则领导力(Leadership)等于 1,否则等于 0。薪金(Salary)是SEC 审查员的薪金。如果 SEC 审查员的工作分类是“会计”,则会计(Accountant)等于 1,否则等于 0。文中使用领导和薪金作为审查员能力和经验的...
NEW: The @HouseAppropsGOP Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) bill is up for a vote before the Rules committee at 4PM EST before it heads to the House floor.In includes an amendment from TN congressman @RepTimBurchett to reduce the salary of @SECGov chairman…
Campus Recruitment CAMPUS RECRUITMENT R&d Design/Management trainee Numbers: 10 salary: Discuss personally Learn More
Salary and welfare payables (2,225,737 ) 1,992,931 (2,178,608 ) (301,734 ) Taxes payable 733,716 (500,172 ) 1,271,822 176,145 Contract liabilities 489,991 (847,562 ) 1,574,086 218,008 Accrued liabilities and other payables (643,836 ) 1,271,572 242,070 33,526 Net cash...
Salary and welfare payables 1,382,442 (647,029 ) 1,521,743 238,795 528,927 505,334 79,298 Taxes payable 220,244 (434,893 ) 528,725 82,968 1,126,648 255,060 40,024 Deferred revenue 568,704 2,154,751 (1,162,982 ) (182,497 ) 2,342,916 1,351,261 212,042 Accrued lia...
1. First, we ensure our executive compensation is competitive and attracts and retains top executive talent by understanding how the total target compensation (consisting of salary, bonus and equity awards) of our named executive officers, or NEOs, is benchmarked against the median total target ...
Eligible NEOs also may defer up to 18 percent of their base salary, less contributions to the AbbVie Savings Plan, to the AbbVie Supplemental Savings Plan, which is a non-qualified defined contribution plan. Eligible NEOs may defer these amounts to unfunded book accounts or choose to have ...
• chief executive officer – 6x annual base salary; • other executive officers – 2x annual base salary; and • directors – 3x annual Board retainer. Executive officers and directors are expected to have met these ownership levels by August 2017 or, if appointed or elected after August...