Amendment effected in SEBI (Venture Capital Funds) Regulations, 1996Nirav Pankaj ShahEmail thisPrint this
Funds)Regulations,1996,SecuritiesandExchangeBoardofIndia (CollectiveInvestmentSchemes)Regulations,1999oranyother regulationsoftheBoardtoregulatefundmanagementactivities: ProvidedthatthefollowingshallnotbeconsideredasAlternativeInvestment Fundforthepurposeoftheseregulations,- ...
Security receipts that are registered on a stock exchange must be valued by an independent valuer. PE funds, Venture Capital Funds, and Hedge Funds qualify as AIF. They must take a periodical valuation through a valuer for SFA. Valuation of Mutual Funds as per SEBI Rules ...