On the regulatory front, SEBI, in its board meeting dated December 18, 2024, approved amendments to the framework for the issuance and listing of Securitised Debt Instruments (SDIs). These amendments aim to expand the SDI market and align the regulations with the current securitisation norms pre...
This comes after the regulator approved proposals to tighten its regulations against unregistered influencers inJune this year. At the time, the board said that it had come across cases of finfluencers “inducing investors to deal in securities based on inappropriate claims.” In the past...
Protecting sensitive data is the most important part of the CSCRF. It requires that Regulated Entities implement robust data encryption, access controls, and privacy measures to safeguard sensitive information. This includes ensuring compliance with data protection regulations and maintaining transpar...
Guidelines for Large Value Fund for Accredited Investors under SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012 and Requirement of Compliance Officer for Managers of all AIFs- SEBI issued several guidelines for ...
Navigate SEBI regulations with precision using Enterslice's valuation services. Ensure full compliance and accurate assessments for your financial needs.
(i)isaprivatelypooledinvestmentvehiclewhichcollectsfundsfrom investors,whetherIndianorforeign,forinvestingitinaccordancewitha definedinvestmentpolicyforthebenefitofitsinvestors;and (ii)isnotcoveredundertheSecuritiesandExchangeBoardofIndia(Mutual Funds)Regulations,1996,SecuritiesandExchangeBoardofIndia ...
14. Having made a public issue cannot escape from complying with the requirements of Section 73(1) of Companies Act 1956. 15. Citing provisions based on DIP guidelines and the ICDR Regulations SEBI found that the appellants had , - Failed to file the Draft Offer Documents w...
4. Documents to be submitted along with application under Regulation 37 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure ReqUirements), Regulations, 2015 Page Nos. Certified true copy of the resolution passed by the Board of Directors of the company. Certified copy of the draft Scheme of ...
(a) performance of the directors; and (b) fulfillment of the independence criteria as specified in these regulations and their independence from the management: (Regulation 17(10) (IV) Explanatory statement to be annexed to notice for each item of special business to be transacted at general ...
As per the guidelines, Mutual Funds would also have to include a disclaimer that "investors should consult their financial advisers if they are not clear about the suitability of the product". Amendment to SEBI [(Know Your Client) Registration Agency] Regulations, 2011 and relevant Circulars SEBI...