All evidence-based statements are supported with proper reference to Section, Circular No., Notification No. or citations The golden rules of grammar, style and consistency are thoroughly followed Font and size that’s easy to read and remain consistent across all impr...
8. Quarterly compliance Report on Corporate Governance as per Regulation 27 (2)(a) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015 as per Annexure Annexure-[a] Page No 68-69 II 9. Complaint report as per Annexure III of SESI Circular no. CIR/CFD/CMD/16/...
What is the process of registration of Nomination? What is Form PAS-6 & does SAG RTA Audit it? What is the Process of Changing the Shareholder’s Signature? What is the Process of Changing the Address of a Shareholder? What are the Provisions of Rule 9B For Private Limited Companies?