* Updated 2025年2月22日星期六 17時42分58秒 Seattle time - Weather by CustomWeather, © 2025 14 day forecast, day-by-dayHour-by-hour forecast for next week Yesterday's weather Light rain. Overcast. 12 / 8 °C Humidity: 90%. Wind: 9 km/h↑from South ...
Seattle WA weather today and detailed forecast for tomorrow in King county, Washington. Current Seattle barometric pressure and temperatures.
Tomorrow's forecast Broken clouds. Cool. Hi: 60°F / 16°C Lo: 40°F / 4°C Current Time in Seattle, Washington, United States Click here for theCurrent Time in Seattle, Washington, United States Like this location? Make it a Weather Favorite!
Weather in Seattle Tomorrow Temperature Wind Humidity Rain Cloud Pressure FridayMorning Mist 36°f 2 mph 97% 0.0 In 68% 30 In Hourly FridayAfternoon Partly Clo... 50°f 2 mph 78% 0.0 In 26% 30 In Hourly FridayEvening Clear 55°f 4 mph 71% 0.0 In 0% 30 In Hourly FridayOver...
This is today's weather forecast. Seattle is going to 21 a big storm in the afternoon. It is moving very fast. The storm is going to hit Seattle around 5 p. m. and will be 22 by mid-C night. The main road will be 23 . So, people should avoid this road until tomorrow. All24...
Tomorrow Feb 26 H 60 ° L 42 ° Thursday Feb 27 H 61 ° L 42 ° Friday Feb 28 H 58 ° L 42 ° Saturday Mar 1 H 56 ° L 45 ° Sunday Mar 2 H 52 ° L 42 ° Monday Mar 3 H 53 ° L 40 ° Tuesday Mar 4 H 53 ° L 42 ° FOX 13 Weather Forecast Seattle weather: ...
This is bad news considering we have a blood moon tonight. It'll be very tough to check that out! I'll leave you with a look at your 7-day forecast: Get ready for more sunshine tomorrow afternoon! Have a good one :) WeatherWeather Forecast DAILY...
...FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT FROM THIS MORNING TO LATE TOMORROW MORNING... WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. WHERE...Tolt River above Carnation. WHEN...From this morning to late tomorrow morning. IMPACTS...At 5,000.0 cfs, the Tolt River will flood Tolt Riv...
Enjoy the rainy, cloudy weather today! Tomorrow, fewer showers are expected. The most active weather day this week will be Wednesday. Even then, impacts from weather looks fairly minimal for most.
Weather forecast starting today on KING5.com Kicking in a little later than normal, it looks like the dark and rainy season of Seattle–which is most of the year, actually–is finally beginning. After an alternating week of rain and sun, forecasters think there will be significant precipitati...