UT CS的reputation是很好的,因此career fair是很给力的,秋季9月和春季2月各有一次,会有很多科技企业...
具体到我们SES track,就不得不提一下CS下的Technology & Science Career Fair了,这个CF也是在每个学期...
UW SEBA is the premier organization for engaging Science & Engineering students with professionals and leaders in business, industry, academia and government. UWSEBA organizes the biggest student-run University of Washington career fair and host several
4133 University Way Northeast Seattle, WA 98105 United States Show map About this eventTags United States Events Washington Events Things to do in Seattle, WA Seattle Parties Seattle Food & Drink Parties #event #seattle #gamedev #drinkup
1 4Barna Mahapatra Reviewed Business and Engineering Career Fair on 17 Oct 2018 St at Seattle University good fair. was expecting more large companies. HelpfulReplyReport 5Keanan Ball Reviewed Job and Internship Fair on 18 Apr 2018 Marketing Manager at Getaround Great event! HelpfulReplyReportCOMMU...
Seattle Bouldering Project, University District Free Queer Mountaineers - WashingtonSave this event: Queer Climb Night - Seattle Bouldering Project: UniversityShare this event: Queer Climb Night - Seattle Bouldering Project: University Monthly #USGov Virtual JobExpo / Career Fair #Seattle Fri, Mar 7 ...
Boston校区这边,一年有两次学校组织的career fair,10月份和2月份各一次。作用不是很大,来的主要还是一些本地的企业,大厂基本不怎么来,而且因为进入会场的人数有限,人又很多,就很难能顺利注册到名额,我一次也没注册到过。听去过的同学说,进去后各个公司的展台人也很多在排队,排到你了,也只能匆匆聊几句就结束了。
Phi learned about TIPS when he attended a Career and Resource Fair organized by Youth Executives of Color, a high school outreach program sponsored by the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business. “[There], I had the opportunity to speak to Gillian Hepola, TIPS’ current prog...
Monday Round-Up: Shaquill and Shaquem Griffin Deliver Commencement Speech to University of Central Florida Graduates Monday Round-Up: NFL Highlights 2019 Seahawks Defense On Twitter Monday Round-Up: Russell Wilson Receives Vince Lombardi Cancer Foundation Award of Excellence Monday Round-Up: Marsha...
Thomas Pynchon made his home for a time in the University District, but it feels a bit disingenuous to claim him as a Seattle writer, particularly since for long stretches of his career no one knew where he lived at all. Either way it’s hard to imagine this 770-page hallucinatory ...