We also left a job,played a *lot* of Breath of the Wildto recover from that job, got another job, and renovated a house. We took toTwitternow and then to share power outage news or restaurant openings or “Here’s why that helicopter is over our houses” or whatever, but live report...
In a year dominated by French restaurant openings, Bastille in Ballard (bastilleseattle.com) nailed the Gare du Nord aesthetic. Owners Deming Maclise and James Weimann outfitted the joint after forays through Paris flea markets that yielded turn-of-the-century brass sconces, an actual Paris stree...
The white classical symmetry of the Territorial University sits left of center on the horizon. To the left and below it is Rev. Daniel Bagley’s “Brown Church” at the northwest corner of Second Avenue and Madison Street. The paint job on the lower rear wall of the church – the attache...
The plan failed, and in the fall of 1980 the present occupant, Northwest School, moved in. With a faculty of nearly 40 full-and part-time instructors serving a student body of about 200, Northwest School is truly an alternative. (Remembering that this was written a quarter-century ago, No...