about 2,400 square feet of commercial space and 90 underground parking spaces. The proposal calls for the commercial space to be split into two storefronts, with one providing access from Olive and the other from Belmont. Residential access, both for pedestrians and cars, would be on Belmont....
As a new driver in the city, you need to be aware of Seattle’s oftenbusy and one-way streets. When driving on residential streets, keep your eyes on the road as two lanes often merge into one. It’s also important to remember that pedestrians expect you to stop for them at crosswalk...
stacked, built side-by-side, or separated by a firewall. Income Properties allow for profitable gain when renting out individual units as the property appreciates. Properties zoned both Residential and Commercial present an opportunity for investors to combine their home, business and rental spaces....
My former zoning classifications before the last two comp plan upzones were Urban Low Density Residential (R-8400 zone) and Urban Medium Density Residential (LDMR zone) and those two zoning classifications, if they were still in effect for my property, would allow for cottage style housing to ...
Seattle’s modern urbanist “vision” of mildly upzoning the residential neighborhoods to create weak and dispersed retail because they don’t want to live or go downtown drives me crazy. If there are no young people on the streets retail and restaurants are going to die, and so many of ...
A lot of Seattle’s job and residential growth is happening in greater downtown. ST3, when built out, will provide the capacity to move about 36,000 people per hour* through the two tunnel lines. That’s a colossal number of people — but it may not even absorb the growth in jobs ...
There is little transfer activity along the line due to a broken grid and steep hillsides, and the corridor is primarily residential or small-scale commercial development. This means there is little to get in the way of the bus. But aside from a short Business Access and Transit (BAT) ...