Now we’re lucky enough to have both: Mayor Mike McGinn for vision, drama, and headlines, and King County Executive Dow Constantine to spare the fussing and get down to the job of straightening out the county’s battered finances and administration. Now if you had to pick just one…...
"She demonstrates sound judgement in all areas of her job and takes ownership of her actions. She holds herself to a very high standard and continues to try to improve everyday. Her dedication to producing quality results does not go unnoticed and is greatly appreciated." ...
In the roughly 40 years he was exploring with his camera Werner Lenggenhager gave prints to the University of Washington, the Museum of History and Industry and the Seattle Public Library. This scene was copied from the library’s collection where it is but one of more than 23,000 examples...
I think ST’s ridership estimates as usual are highly inflated, and the openings of FW, Lynnwood and East Link are going to be where the rubber meets the road when it comes to ST suburban ridership estimates. Those routes won’t come close to their 40% farebox recovery goal, and anyone...
The tenure criteria would give the highest priority to projects promised in ST2, and phasing would break apart most of the large ST3 projects to deliver some nearly on-time station openings in every geography. Some of the phasing suggestions are more intuitive than others. On the Eastside, ...
We also left a job,played a *lot* of Breath of the Wildto recover from that job, got another job, and renovated a house. We took toTwitternow and then to share power outage news or restaurant openings or “Here’s why that helicopter is over our houses” or whatever, but live report...