Garlic seed can be found at many nurseries, but if your local nursery doesn’t carry it, just purchase a few heads of organic garlic from your favorite grocery store! To plant: Prepare your garden bed by loosening the soil Start to gently break apart your heads of seed......
—blocking trails, crushing native plants, etc," reads a complaint from december. "what is the city doing to ensure these companies and their customers follow city rules?" in september, a limebike employee got into an altercation outside a downtown café when dropping off...
The original Washington Territory prohibited interracial marriages between whites and natives. However, this did not prevent many settlers from marrying native women in native ceremonies. As white women gradually colonized the Skagit, not all of these arrangements ended well. When Washington was incorpor...
Maurice Horn ofJoy Creek Nurserytold me that he fears that the warmer weather of recent years in the Pacific Northwest has taken a toll on these cold-hardy plants. We may start having trouble growing them here. The three I lost were all against the house; the three I have left are all...