The City has also used TBD funds to support access and affordability programs, providing free transit for students and some residents of low-income housing. Metro’s long range plan, Metro Connects, outlines how we can achieve outcomes like these throughout King County, which is why ...
For example, they were forbidden to enter skilled-trade unions until the late 1940s, and segregation in housing and public services persisted until well into the 1950s. In the early 21st century, African Americans made up a little under one-tenth of greater Seattle’s population, with about ...
1.The latest batch of ballots overwhelmingly affirmed theelection night victoryfor social housing, as Proposition 1A increased its winning margin to 60 percent over a competing proposition that would have directed the city to use existing housing funds to fund traditional low-income housing. The winn...
Government officials are scrambling to come up with relief programs. By Bill Lucia March 13, 2020 In a First, Seattle City Council Moves to Ban Winter Evictions If the measure is signed by Mayor Jenny Durkan, the city would prohibit evictions of low- and moderate-income renters during the ...
The city’s COVID-19 emergencyhas endedbut its affordable housing emergency continues. New legislation shaped by the pandemic and championed by the mayor and city council would speed up the public approval process to create new low-and-middle-income apartment buildings by exempting the developments...
As a legislator, Jessyn passed ground-breaking legislation on oil-by-rail safety, affordable housing near transit centers, education supports for low-income and homeless youth, protections for pregnant workers and restrictions to cell-phone use while driving. As Director of OSE, Jessyn leads ...
Seattle Low Income Apartments Seattle Housing and Apartments For Rent Living in Seattle Situated between Puget Sound and Lake Washington, Seattle is the metropolitan center of the Pacific Northwest. Beautiful mountain ranges including Mount Rainier, Mount St. Helens, and Mount Adams make Seattle one ...
Interviews with former housing officials, researchers and advocates for borrowers and climate action point to one primary reason for the lack of movement: concerns about raising housing costs when homeownership is already out of reach for many, especially fo...
Sound Foundations NW accepts donations through theLow Income Housing Institute, one of the organizations which uses the tiny homes and provides case management services to their residents. You can donatehere. Be sure to select Sound Foundations NW in the drop-down donation category/designation menu....
In 2017, the City of Seattle directly invested $68,098,060 in the homelessness crisis (City of Seattle, 2017). Such spending included money for rental assistance programs that prevent people from falling into homelessness, providing transitionary shelter, building low-income housing, and other va...