which would be flush with capital for not only competing effectively with global majors, but for lessening our dependence on overseas capital and for scaling up our production and service capabilities for the whole world, and in the process creating higher paying jobs for the next generations of...
In the underdeveloped region of Karasburg, where all three farms are located, the grape industry is the largest employer; to produce and export 1000 tonnes of table grapes it is estimated that 300 new permanent and 600 seasonal jobs are created (Hoffman, 2008). Looking at cluster 3 in Fig...
I don't see any rain in the forecast so we put out some sprinklers to wet some of the Strawberry fields down enough for us to build beds. We sure don't like doing it that way because it is a lot of work and the sprinklers don't do near as good a job as God does. WE ...