The widespread occurrence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water bodies is a significant cause of concern due to their persistence and toxicity. This study aimed at assessing the qualitative and quantitative profile of 16 EPA PAHs present in sediment collected from nine sites along the ...
Whenever we have guests for dinner, whether it’s family or friends, I like to make little part [...] Read More Halloween Witch Party Sandwich This was such a fun little sandwich to create and just in time for Halloween. I really love thinki [...] Read More Halloween Party Invitations...
Old mum in kitchen all the time cooking. Daughter take orders, serve & clear tables. And helps mum in kitchen most of the time ( can see kitchen as near to toilets) .While the old father gives support in between. We had tempura, noodles & kind of steaming pot m...
Skilful predictions of near-term climate extremes are key to a resilient society. However, standard methods of analysing seasonal forecasts are not optimised to identify the rarer and most impactful extremes. For example, standard tercile probability maps, used in real-time regional climate outlooks,...
In the current era, national and international energy strategies are increasingly focused on promoting the adoption of clean and sustainable energy sources
The damaging effect of the multiple resulting causal triggers of extinction can vary depending on the time of year, therefore identifying the season for the Chicxulub impact event may be a crucial key to assessing the initial biotic stresses and also better help resolve their global effects. Seve...
EOFx,y. where, EOF (x, y) exhibits the spatial structures of the major factors and PC(t) is the principal component that states how the amplitude of each EOF varies with time. The first mode of EOF is responsible for the largest part of the variance, the second for the largest part...
the job is fun and it keeps you busy. the co-workers are awesome and they help you at work.The only downside is that if youre a temporary associate they do not tell you when your time is up working with them unles you call countless amounts of times to get through...
The exact location of site 4 (4–1, 4–2, and 4–3) varies over time owing to beach accessibility influenced by seasonal tidal levels Full size image The surface (within top 0.5 m) water temperature was recorded by using a thermometer, salinity was monitored by a refractometer, pH was ...
owing to the revolution of the Earth. The daily amplitude also changes over years. All these result in a time-series with highly complex seasonality. Along with this seasonality, other factors like weather conditions, cloud cover, add additional variability in this data, thereby increasing the com...