House of the Dragonreturns with eight episodes starting onJune 16th. Check out the new trailers below. What do you think?Have you watchedHouse of Dragon? Are you excited about the return of this HBO series? Check out ourstatus sheetsto track new TV series pickups, renewals, and...
Production on season two ofHouse of the Dragonis underway. Filming on the eight-episode season began last month, and so far, has not been impacted by the writers strike. Showrunner Ryan Condel is working as a non-writing producer and if anything needs to be reshot or rewritten, ...
英文片名:HOUSE OF THE DRAGON SEASON 2-2隨著綠黨的國王伊耿二世坐上鐵王座,原本的王位繼承人、黑黨女王雷妮拉卻只能在龍石島面臨喪子之痛,讓這場勢必引起腥風血雨的王國內戰引線正式被點燃,一山不容二虎的情勢也說明坦格利安家族正式分裂成兩派。身為暫時勝利者的綠黨與屈居下風的黑黨,都在醞釀要如何消滅對方...
角色海报 3000x3750 角色海报 1440x1800 角色海报 3375x5000 角色海报 3375x5000 角色海报 3000x3750 角色海报 3072x3840 角色海报 美国 3072x3840 角色海报 美国 1440x1798 角色海报 2742x1586 角色海报 英国 3000x3750 角色海报 美国 6000x3750 角色海报 ...
专栏:龙之家族 第二季(House of the Dragon Season 2)壁纸专栏 专栏10张壁纸 云盘10张壁纸(图片格式:JPG) 您的每一次点赞,投币,收藏,评论,关注都是对我最好的支持 up主一直用爱发电还需要小伙伴们的充电支持才能继续维持下去 如果能在我的主页充电的话那更是感激不尽,谢谢一直以来各位小伙伴的信任与支持 ...
龙之家族 第二季 House of the Dragon Season 2 获奖情况第82届金球奖 (2025) 电视类 剧情类剧集最佳女主角(提名) 艾玛·达西 第52届动画安妮奖 (2025) 最佳真人电影动画角色(提名) 第31届美国演员工会奖 (2025) 电视奖 剧集最佳特技群戏(提名) >去 龙之家族 第二季 的页面 ...
The season two finale of Game Of Thrones spin-off House Of The Dragon was watched by fewer people than some season one episodes.
House of the Dragon Season 2 Character Posters 6 Images Fantasy fans, however, may be disappointed to learn that there’s not a lot of dragon action in these first two episodes, though enough of them patrol the skies and remain a topic in war planning to remind us that these weapons of...
英文片名:HOUSE OF THE DRAGON SEASON 1-2火將統治天下 【龍族前傳】背景設定在【冰與火之歌:權力遊戲】的兩百多年前。當時坦格利安家族統治著七大王國,面臨家族內鬥一觸即發。在兒子出世以前,韋賽里斯國王宣布女兒為繼承人,震撼了整個王國。然而健康的男嬰產下之後,王子支持者便逐步計畫讓公主永遠坐不上鐵王座。