See also: Season of the Seraph/Seasonal Challenges and Season of the Seraph/Rank RewardsThe Seasonal Artifact is the Seraph Cipher, which provides Seasonal Mods and additional Power. The Exo Frame is the seasonal vendor, located in the H.E.L.M....
See also:Season of the Risen/Seasonal ChallengesandSeason of the Risen/Rank Rewards TheSeasonal Artifactis theSynaptic Spear, which providesSeasonal Modsand additionalPower. The seasonal vendor is theWar Table, which can be found in theH.E.L.M. ...
Currently, the rotator only offers Presage (Dead Man’s Tale), Vox Obscura (Dead Messenger), and Operation: Seraph Station (Revision Zero). However, Bungie promised that more missions will come to the rotator next year. Hopefully that means we’ll get craftable versions of Whisper of the Wor...
While Season 12 officially started with the release of Beyond Light, on November 10, most of its content except for the Artifact and some gear is not available until November 17. TheFang of Xivu ArathArtifactcontains newSeasonal Mods. Notably, there are noWeapon Modsin this Artifact. ...
Season 14th artifact is the Paradrome Cube, which provides Seasonal Mods and additional Power. The quest item is the Splicer Gauntlet, which is used to gain extra rewards and benefits in the seasonal activities. There are two new activities in this season. The first is Override, a 6-...
Season 8's Artifact isThe Gate Lord's Eye, which could be leveled to obtain mods designed for general use or for the new activity, theVex Offensive. The Vex Offensive is the main portion of the Season of the Undying. It was a matchmade activity where 6 players fought against waves of...
Seasonal Modsunlocked from theSeasonal Artifacthave been replaced withArtifact Perks. Instead of needing to equip a seasonal mod, perks are now always active once unlocked. However, the maximum number of perks that can be unlocked has been reduced to 12. The player can reset their Artifact's ...
Season 10's Artifact is theWarmind Khanjali, which can be leveled to obtain mods. During the Season of the Worthy all players are able to participate in the newSeraph Towerpublic event, which can be found inEDZ, on theMoonand onIo. These three destinations also containSeraph Bunkers, where...