The best enchants and consumables for your Restoration Druid Healer in WoW Classic's Season of Discovery for doing PvE content.
Season of Discovery 1. Overview Druids have traditionally been brought to raids for their unique utility: Mark of the Wild, Innervate, and the only WoW Classic combat resurrection, Rebirth. Their healing was mostly an afterthought, and usually came down to spamming Rank 4 Healing Touch, but ...
There will be four leveling phases for Season of Discovery, each with a new level cap. Some abilities and talents will not be available until higher levels. Scroll through the sections below to see what talents and abilities you will have access to in ea
I just know that the weapon enchants would stop working if the druid shapeshifted, and I’m pretty sure so did the ‘on hit’ abilities. …think it was the case for Retail too last I played (Legion), but that’s been ages, and I’m not likely to remember that sort of thing....
Phase 2 of Season of Discovery raises the skill cap for professions to 225. That means you can now train professions to Expert level. Fewer trainers are able to train this skill level than Journeyman, so you may need some help locating the correct one to
Starsurge is the dumbest idea for this game ever. WHY ON EARTH WHY WOULD MAKE A 200DMG NUKE, masssive range with almost NO mana cost!!! The game is full of druids you can kill you in 3 buttons. Starsurge, sunfire, moo…
1. Balance Druid Talent Build High level Druid talents grant significant power with Vengeance, Nature's Grace, and Moonfury all being quite strong. Moonkin Form is also an excellent one-pointer, and Improved Starfire is a decent investment, although not the strongest of the bunch. Moonglow,...
1Introduction2Talents and Runes3Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities4Stat Priority5Gear and Best in Slot6Leveling7Enchants and Consumables More Season of Discovery Class Guides Restoration Druid Healer Introduction Balance Druid DPS Introduction Discipline Priest Healer Introduction ...
The Whirling Truesilver Gearwall is one of the craftable Epics added in the second phase of the Season of Discovery. This item is considered the Best-in-Slot for all the Tanking Specializations that can use a Shield, granting the best possible stats in P
Season of Discovery SoD Class Roles SoD Class Skill Books SoD Runes Druid Runes How to Use the Idol of the Heckler Hunter Runes Mage Runes How to Decipher Mage Scrolls Scroll of Geomancy Scroll of Spatial Mending Paladin Runes Priest Runes How to Get Priest Meditations Where to Find...