Same with Deep Wounds, yes it was a terrible idea to change to WotLK stacking, but that is also possible due to the inflation of stats from gear at this level, namely BFD raid loot. All that additional agi turns to a lot more crit than you would expect at 25, and more crit = more...
But there’s still tens of thousands of other players leveling to 25 and doing the BFD raid every 3 days like clockwork. We might as well supply them with enchants for tips~ Crudlord-tichondrius January 9, 2024, 4:57am 32 Bronze only sells for 2 silver each. Im not gonna farm tin...
A new season ofWorld of Warcraft Classicis out, and Season of Discovery considerably revamps the usualWoWexperience. One of the key aspects of that is the concept of Level-Up Raids, with the first being Blackfathom Deeps (BFD). Recommended Videos Season of Discovery is bringing different Le...
Molten Core (MC) Molten Core Attunement Molten Core Loot Onyxia’s Lair Blackwing Lair (BWL) Zul’Gurub (ZG) Raid Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ20) Temple of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ40) Naxxramas Azuregos Lord Kazzak Thunderaan Dragons of Nightmare Guides Hardcore Beginner Getting Started Race Overview ...
Once your raid learns how to manage Bombs+button pressing the fight is just long but extremely easy (though they need to fix the button bug where you cannot press/target it). I’d rate BFD a 6/10 and Gnomer 7/10 in terms of fun and creativity. Loot? The loot stats itemizations is...
I heard a lot of complaints in BFD from Rogue friends because the Chipped Bite of Serra’kis had a DoT on it, making it pretty bad for PvP. Looking over the Gnomergan raid loot data mine, I found the BIS Rogue dagger…and…