Cassidy Green Cast Iron Wolf castaway195 Castlecrasher317 CastleEra Casual cataclyism Cataphract117 Cat-Fight Caton 27 CatsAreCrits CavalierDread cawener cccc ccun Cdeathnote Cdesinord cdrom1019 CeB Cecil the Wise Cedrik Wetjen CelaenaDeathvow celfridge Celies Celmardave Cemanicus cement...
Let's not overreact. I have your Tempad after all- (breaks Tempad) Oops. Not to worry, there's a train going to an escape craft. We just have to sneak on, like so, and- (gets shitfaced) (starts huge fight) (thrown out train window) ...
14.3 1539 12.9 1652 14.7 1775 16.9 Haenam PREC TEMP 1325 13.5 1678 14.3 1774 15.3 1917 15.9 1619 14.5 1778 16.3 1942 18.3 Gumi PREC TEMP 1073 12.6 1394 13.6 1414 14.5 1486 15.1 1318 13.9 1478 15.6 1484 17.7 1 PREC: annual precipitation (mm), 2 TEMP: average temperature (degree Celsius...