LFR will be 13-20 ilvls higher. The World Bosses aren’t being updated either (Why not have them have the Fated Affix too?) so that’s a big chunk of outdoor player gear that will no longer be relevant. As Ion said here: Wowhead Ion Hazzikostas Dragonflight Interview with HazelNut...
Very soon, we will start talking about our current development of Dragonflight. Do not worry, we've already developed quite some content, but we want to wait a bit more before we can start hyping you guys with the new expansion.Let's end this expansion with the culmination of Season 4!
As-is there's little reason to kill him given that he doesn't actually really drop anything. You do it once and you're done, there's literally no reason to return short of the ilvl/power level 800 sacreds for giving to friends/alts. Reply With Quote ...