怪奇物语 第一季 Stranger Things Season 1第2集 第二章:枫树街上的怪人 本集中文名:第二章:枫树街上的怪人 本集原名:Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street 播放时间:2016-07-15星期五(当地时间) 剧情简介: 迈克瞒着家长收留十一,两个死党见识到十一的超能力以及她跟威尔的潜在联系后也对她放下成见。
“Stranger Things” is a blockbuster TV franchise, but star David Harbour feared the show would be canceled after filming the first season. The Emmy nominee said on BBC’s “The One Show” (via Insider) that he started losing hope for the show’s success midway through filming Season 1.“...
“Stranger Things” Season 4, Volume 1 has already smashed multiple Netflix viewership records less than two weeks after its release, and anticipation for Volume 2’s July 1 launch is building more by the day. But the immense success of the streamer’s first-ever season to feature a two-...
NoahSchnapp饰演Will,一个幼弱敏感的男生,他似乎不符合在80年代的「普通」定义;也就是他凭空消失了。 NataliaDyer饰演Nancy,Mike的姐姐。CharlieHeaton饰演Joanthan,Will的哥哥。 影片截图: 资源下载: 怪奇物语.Stranger.Things.S01E01.中英字幕.WEB-HR.AAC.1024X576.x264.mp4电驴下载磁力下载 怪奇物语.Stranger....
Stranger Things, Season 1 (Netflix, 2016-present)On 15 July 2016, Netflix released all eight episodes of Stranger Things, the latest in the online-streaming site's in-house productions. Written and directed by the Duffer Brothers, Matt and Ross, touted as something of a comeback for ...
“Dear Remy”: Hollywood Career Coach on Playing It Straight, Finding Space and Conquering Bluesky 12/14/2024 by Remy Blumenfeld The Hollywood Reporter - Movie News Stranger Things Friends: When Courteney Cox’s Monica & Jennifer Aniston’s Rachel Were Replaced By Stand-Ins For Few Seconds ...
剧情类 最佳女配角(提名) 米莉·波比·布朗 剧情类 最佳客串女演员(提名) 香农·珀瑟 剧情类 最佳导演(提名) 马特·达菲/罗斯·达菲 剧情类 最佳编剧(提名) 第69届美国导演工会奖(2017) 最佳剧情类剧集导演(提名) 马特·达菲/罗斯·达菲 第23届美国演员工会奖(2017) ...
Stranger Things Season 1 OST 06 - Friendship 純素飲食創造和平 17 0 Stranger Things Season 1 OST 04- This Isn't You 純素飲食創造和平 15 0 Stranger Things Season 1 OST 03 - Nancy and Barb 純素飲食創造和平 14 0 Stranger Things Season 1 OST 23 - Cops Are Good at Finding 純素飲食...
9. Will the government still hunt Eleven? Yet another plot ofStranger ThingsSeason 4 involves members of the United States military, who have targeted Eleven as a major threat to national security. Last time we saw them, they were stranded in the desert as El was whisked away by her frien...
9. Will the government still hunt Eleven? Yet another plot ofStranger ThingsSeason 4 involves members of the United States military, who have targeted Eleven as a major threat to national security. Last time we saw them, they were stranded in the desert as El was whisked away by her frien...