冰血暴 第一季 Fargo Season 1第1集 鳄鱼的困境 本集中文名:鳄鱼的困境 本集原名:The Crocodile's Dilemma 播放时间:2014-04-15星期二(当地时间) 剧情简介: A rootless and manipulative man meets a small town insurance salesman and sets him on a path of destruction. ...
冰血暴 第一季 Fargo Season 1第1集 鳄鱼的困境 本集中文名:鳄鱼的困境 本集原名:The Crocodile's Dilemma 播放时间:2014-04-15星期二(当地时间) 剧情简介: A rootless and manipulative man meets a small town insurance salesman and sets him on a path of destruction. ...
I wasn’t going to watch it after watching the first episode, but I read that Timothy Olyphant was in the show, so I hung in there. It was worth it and turned out to be even better than the first 2 seasons. 1 0 Reply Cindy Rice July 5, 2021 9:35 am We are big Fa...
the first live-action X-Men show is coming to us courtesy ofFargo‘s Noah Hawley, and its premiere episode is everything that was lacking in the series from a filmmaking standpoint, but also everything that makes the genre fun. The debut hour is a fun, trippy mindf— in the best way...
Our recap of 'Preacher' Season 1, Episode 1, reveals how Jesse becomes a man possessed, reconnected with his ex and befriended a vampire.
of the past who enjoyed a good “Chicago Sunroof” from time to time. Nor is he the sharp-tongued, strip-mall celebrity lawyer he will one day become. Saul was a man with answers, while Jimmy is a man just trying to figure it all out. And in “Nacho,” the third episode in this...
Also Read:Elves Season 1: Characters, Screenplay and More Updates! The fourth season of American Gods has a very different feel to it than the previous three. The first episode, which aired on April 30th, is one of the most action-packed episodes in the series so far. ...
Are you ready for the return ofFargo? A new trailer has been released for the third season of the series, and it states that the season to come is a “tragedy.” Ewan McGregor stars in the series in a dual role as brothers, and the trailer fromFXshows a bit about what is to come...
冰血暴 第一季 Fargo Season 1第10集 莫顿之叉 本集中文名:莫顿之叉 本集原名:Morton's Fork 播放时间:2014-06-17星期二(当地时间) 剧情简介: Malvo seeks answers, while Lester finagles a few of his own. Molly and Gus try to get past a setback in the investigation. ...
第9集 过河问题 冰血暴 第一季 Fargo Season 1第9集 过河问题 本集中文名:过河问题 本集原名:A Fox, a Rabbit, and a Cabbage 播放时间:2014-06-10星期二(当地时间) 剧情简介: Lester 遭遇了意料之外的情况。Malvo 改变了进程。一个新的调查将 Molly 引到了一条似曾相识的道路上。