In collaboration with Derbyshire ceramic artist Paul Cummins and stage designer Tom Piper, the Tower of London's installation of thousands of ceramic poppies was unveiled on 5th August, one hundred years since the first full day of Britain's involvement in the First World War.eContent Team,...
There will be a trail of blood and guts and I love a gory adventure filled with danger and death. What I don’t like is being trapped under water… Below is Ryan Lockwood’s debut novel and I want to congratulate him on a job well done. I look forward to what comes next. 5 Stars...
『Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red(鲜血染红大地和海洋)』(1) 这个大型的公共艺术项目是为了纪念英国参加第一次世界大战100周年,悼念在第一次世界大战中牺牲的英国士兵。 陶瓷艺术家 Paul Cummins 和舞...
He gripped the tray's sides with both hands, turning away from the bowing waiter. By its weight, it likely contained the drink and something to eat even. Truly the world's greatest casino. The least he wanted before they discussed. ...
“Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red” 888246朵陶瓷罂粟花像流动的血液从伦敦塔喷涌下来,这个大型的公共艺术项目是为了纪念英国参加第一次世界大战100周年。陶瓷艺术家 Paul Cummins 和舞台设计师 Tom Piper 合作完成了这个惊人的项目“鲜血染红大地和海洋”。888246代表英国和殖民地的军事伤亡。 ...
But then I KNOW all the gunk that is in the clothes, even if they come out soft thanks to the fabric conditioner and they smell nice. But I still KNOW all the gunk that is in the clothes and that will then go into your skin and then into your blood. ...
fresh carrots tulips Crocoite mineral sample from Australia Singapore sunset ripe tomato photos at the pumpkin patch I didn’t realize how many different shades of orange there are in all the common things we see. I’d be interested in seeing how many others you can come up with. ...
Worlds Smallest Political Quiz I’ve been trying to get back into blogging more often. When I get a bit of time to do that I usually go online and look around at other blogs. Today I found this challenge:Weekly Prompts Color Challenge- Mainly Orange. ...
Turning now to the manuscripts of Twenty Thousand Leagues (MS1 and MS2), it is surprising these have received almost no attention to date for many parts of the novel are in fact quite different in them. Thus the published daily phrase, 'Nautron respoc lorni virch', was originally 'Nautron ...
“But isn’t this a rather abstract, distant point to bring at this time?” the man said, turning to Benjan. Benjan blinked, uncertain, edgy. He was a private man, used to working alone. Now that he was moving against the Council he had to bear these public appearances, these . ...