The emergence of digital pathology has opened new horizons for histopathology. Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms are able to operate on digitized slides to assist pathologists with different tasks. Whereas AI-involving classification and segmentation methods have obvious benefits for image analysis, i...
lmdb pyyaml packaging Pillow==6.2.2 matplotlib yacs pyarrow==0.17.1 pip3 install cityscapesscripts # for Cityscapes segmentation pip3 install mmcv-full # for Segmentation data loader pip3 install pycocotools shapely==1.6.4 Cython pandas pyyaml json_tricks scikit-image # for COCO keypoint ...
The advantage of the first two lies in their accessibility: they are implemented in pure Python, and LSHForest is built into scikit-learn. Unfortunately, they seem to be quite slow according to the ANNperformance shootoutmaintained by Erik, the author of annoy. Annoy itself is very fast and ...