This fresh and entertaining look at the search for Sasquatch concerns more than just the startling and controversial nature of monsters and monster hunting in the late 20th century, but the more important relationship between the professional scientists and amateur naturalists who hunt them--and their...
Searching for SasquatchPublicpopulationancestrybiobankinggovernancegenomicsThe article reviews the book "Searching for Sasquatch," by Nathaniel Lachenmeyer.doi:10.1057/9780230118294Hazelton, MarySchool Library Journal
Searching for Sasquatch 11: Into the Lair of the Skunk Ape (2024) - Top questions and answers about Searching for Sasquatch 11: Into the Lair of the Skunk Ape (2024)
Home 1 of 3 Searching for Sasquatch: Bigfoot Mindspeak (2022) Jason Kenzie in Searching for Sasquatch: Bigfoot Mindspeak (2022) PeopleJason Kenzie TitlesSearching for Sasquatch: Bigfoot MindspeakBack to top
While we may not have found Sasquatch, we saw plenty of other wildlife — deer, elks, bobcat, the coolest gray whales just off the beach, surfing sea lions, snakes, sea otters, tiny little voles, banana slugs, ducks, and owls, just to name a few. Oh and ticks. Beware the ticks. ...
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Searching for Sasquatch: Crackpots, Eggheads, and Cryptozoology.RITVOMassachusettsInstituteHARRIETMassachusettsInstituteAmerican Historical Review
Regal, Searching for Sasquatch: Crackpots, Eggheads, and Cryptozoology. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. Pp. xi + 249. ISBN 978-0-2300-11147-9. 55.00NormandinS.ingentaconnectBritish Journal for the History of Science
Searching for Sasquatch: Bigfoot Mindspeak (2022) - Top questions and answers about Searching for Sasquatch: Bigfoot Mindspeak (2022)
Searching for Sasquatch 12: Kentucky Bigfoot: Directed by Jason Kenzie. With Rodney Adams, Sherri Barcia, Tim Chapman, Chad Datema. In the heart of the Kentucky Red River Gorge, where ancient trees whisper secrets and shadows dance in the moonlight, Jaso